Monday, April 04, 2005

On Love

I'm a DARned newbie... Anyway, my first topic will be on Love.

If there's one thing in life I'm sure of, it's that Love is absolute (Capital "L"). You can't love anyone for 75%. The only thing that justifies how we answer "Who do you love more?" is our need to create decisions and we weigh them using another trait or through biases enabling us to choose. We should also consider the different types of loving. (Love for material things, parents, friends and the certain someone).

-From my Friendster account.

Love is indeed one of the best things in life. In the journey we call life, we get to make mistakes. These mistakes are not really bad for in each and every negative circumstances, there are corresponding positive outcomes. I myself failed by choosing incompetently. I was deceived by my own feelings. Given such instances, one might give up on Love already... But I am not giving in... YET. I still trust the saying that "It is better to Love and get hurt rather than not to Love at all." Another thing is that when we Love someone, we should not look for that feeling of being "inlove" for it is a temporary state of mind that is bound to diminish and burn out in time. Love should be something that we are conscious of. You don't get to Love someone if you will never give him/her a chance. We are the ones choosing who to Love so there are no such things like "The Love is gone..." When one says that "The Love is gone", then what he/she really meant was simply "I'm tired of you/I don't want you". If we choose to Love someone, we can literally Love him/her as long as we want.

In short, Love is within our capacities to choose.


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