Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Love is something to be celebrated, nurtured, appreciated, you have to madly in love.

Just a thought...

Having a little conversation with a friend made me realize some things. --Good. It's been a while since I last talked with real sense with someone. As usual, the topic revolved around the concept of Love. Though we only exchanged few ideas, I got to review my philosophy on love. I stopped contemplating for some time because of some distractions...

Anyway, here it goes... It all started with this: "love is something to be celebrated, nurtured, appreciated, you have to madly in love...". People oftentimes regard to Love as something that makes them tied, committed, occupied, feel Loved... on the darker side, people regard it as a waste of time, money, energy. Ironically, there are really those who don't even know what Loving or having a relationship is for. Honestly, I was one of them. After a few failed relationships, I came to think: "What is this for? Marriage?! NO WAY!!!". Here's the answer from again, my dear friend ;) "you can't have a relationship if it isn't going anywhere anymore"; "if you aren't learning anything from each other anymore. ". As we Love and engage in a relationship, we grow with it. Being in our teenage years, we surely don't think relationships much like a preparation for marriage. And for those who think this way, you'll know what I mean someday. We Love because we unconsciously want something. But that is not all. Our instincts knows that in our growth as persons, this is a significant module. It is also more like a dry run for the time when we get to choose someone as mature persons. This can't be the preparation for marriage since there is the status of being engaged for that. Anyways, that's all for learning for this day. I shall continue my thoughts before I sleep.

Thanks again Marian :)


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